
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Secret to a Healthy Soul

When I started working on the project of me, I don’t think I even really knew what the project was, how the process worked, or what the end result was supposed to look like. When I started my blog, “The Project of Me,” I envisioned doing a lot of writing about how I was dealing with my husband working through his addiction and how I was learning to trust the Lord with all the crap my husband has handed me in life. But as I got started working on the true project of myself, it became a lot less about the crap my husband had done to me and much more about the crap I had done before God and the freedom he offered me from my sin.  I went to my first Celebrate Recovery meeting on October 21, 2019 and the biggest turn off to me was that everyone there was considered “in recovery” for something- whether it was overeating, eating disorders, codependency, sexual sin, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc., etc., etc. That was fine for everyone there, but I didn’t like the idea of being “in r...