Today marks a half-decade since our relationship began… half of a decade… It’s funny how we use big words to make time seem more impressive. In truth, I wasn’t any more prepared for where we are today five years ago than I was five months ago. I don’t believe it is time that shapes our personalities and relationships but rather moments and circumstances. And yet, time is what is most often celebrated. We get together with friends and family over flaming sticks of wax stuck in baked goods and we celebrate time. The longer the period of time, especially if it’s a multiple of five, the bigger the celebration. Another birthday, another anniversary, another year sober… But if the quality of that time is poorly spent, the amount of time doesn’t really matter at all. Because people can relapse, marriages can be broken, and eventually everyone dies. In a single moment, everything can change. Yes, you lived, stayed together, or stayed sober for some amount of time cons...