Trusting God to Do the Divine
"Joseph’s fruitfulness, or success, came from putting his faith into action. He trusted God to do the divine part, then invested himself fully to do his human part. Joseph didn’t try to manipulate the pieces of his life that were out of his control. He entrusted those to God. Note what Joseph didn’t do: try to escape slavery or prison; despair and forfeit his identity and integrity; resent and hate the ungrateful cupbearer; or develop a victim mentality. Knowing what circumstances were out of his control, Joseph handed them over to God and focused on his responsibilities." - Life Journey Devotional, Cloud & Townsend This hit me hard this week. I have been in the hospital in the epilepsy monitoring unit for the past week. During my time here, the goal is try to trigger seizures or other small spells while connected to an EEG so that the doctors can get more information about them. However, for someone that has fairly controlled seizures like myself, it's hard to trigge...