
Showing posts from April, 2020

My Weight Loss Testimony

I held off posting about my weight loss for a long time for fear of coming across as “cringe-y.” But lately I have felt that I have a powerful message that needs to be shared… A lot of weight loss stories I hear go something like, "I just got so tired of how I felt and looked so I decided enough was enough and decided to do something about it! So with a lot of hard work and effort through such and such method/program, I've lost X amount of pounds and feel better than ever!" That's not how mine goes.    In April 2019, my life fell apart. My husband's relapse led to a series of events that eventually led to my decision move back in with my parents for a while. I was so overwhelmed by all the chaos in my life that weight loss was the furthest thing from my mind. I continued my poor eating habits as usual thinking, "I'll worry about losing weight when my life settles down a little bit." I avoided scales like the plague so I was surprised t...

FOBN: Fear of Bad News

You’ve likely heard of FOMO- “fear of missing out.” But FOBN- “fear of bad news,” is FOMO’s much less talked about second cousin. Do you suffer from FOBN? Take a minute to reflect on your actions and reactions over the past month- which has been filled with plenty of bad news. How have you handled everything? Maybe you weren’t one of those people buying toilet paper in bulk… but has the thought of your loved ones getting sick consumed you? Are you panicking over the possibility of losing your job? Are you worried about finances? Are you stressed out over the thought of social distancing for another month or your kids not going back to school? Have you been afraid to give or stopped giving entirely to your local church or charity because you’re afraid of what the future holds? In general, do you just feel the doom and gloom setting in? Most of these reactions are what we call “normal” right now because if we’re honest, we’ve accepted the fear of bad news as a normal part of soci...

In the Waiting: Easter is Coming

I think it’s a bit of a shame that we don’t do more to acknowledge the first full day after Jesus’ death, the first Saturday, that first period of waiting. We solemnly acknowledge Friday and the gruesome crucifixion that took place but we celebrate in light of the coming hope that we know Easter Sunday brings. But the first Christians on Easter Sunday did not know what Sunday held for them. Many of them had risked their lives to follow a radical man that was now dead. So for them, Saturday was not just a day in between. It was a full day of grief over the events of the day before, confusion over what God was doing, and fear over what the future held for them. That sounds just a little like how many of us may be spending our days right now. I think we can learn a lesson from those first believers on what to do in times of waiting: Remember God’s promises and trust God’s process. In the waiting, the disciples forgot Jesus’ promises, or prophecies. Though Jesus prophesied that h...

Out of Control, Into Peace

As I sit in quarantine at home, I feel at peace- not because the world is at peace or even because my personal world is at peace- but because the past year has taught me how to be okay with feeling out of control. A year ago today, long before anyone suspected the world would turn upside down, my world turned upside down. Around midnight on April 7, 2019, my husband overdosed on the bathroom floor of my hospital room and was medically dead for about seven minutes. Had we not already been in a hospital, he wouldn’t be alive today. Prior to that night, I’d been in denial, believing his addiction wasn’t that bad and he just needed a little help. The events of that night made me realize how out of control things really were. That night led to a series of events that put me in a position where I couldn’t even pretend to be in control anymore. Losing the illusion of control helped me see that I never had any in the first place. But God was and is and forever will be in control. I do...